
Monday, June 9, 2014

Three Phase Winding Diagram 1500 rpm in series


No modern industry should be without one or maybe dozen that used an induction motor. the design allows for easy maintenance, use special cast iron body. for the speed 1500 rpm typical applications include water pumps, air compressors or for transporters, easy to installing, dust proof, water proof, flame proof, have low noise and high safety very safe to use.

Diagram below will give you a new experience for those who want to learn how to rewinding induction motors in accordance with the following specifications.

Motors description
Based on ROTOR electric motors
Volt  : 380 Δ/ 600 Y
Phase :  3
Rated freq : 50 hz
Rated speed : 1430 rpm
Rated output : 10 hp

All the coils are in series connection and divided two groups, each groups have three coils, the inner coils span is 7,9 and 11, all of them have same number of turns. 
no of slots  :  36
no of pole   :  4

no of turns    :  40
wire diameter :  0,90mm x 2
rotor length( squirrel cage) : 13 cm
rotor diameter : 13,5 cm
Power Line Input

1 comment:

  1. If you are looking for motor winding diagrams, please check the BobiSoft 2.0. It is an easy-to-use, low-cost software package to (re)design motor windings. It can help you saving time and money!
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    Any doubts? Send an e-mail to:
